React Hooks The Perfect way to fetch data(s)
If you are making large scale app , Follow this way.
8 bit story:
I’m building a Web APP called Sharly , this how i used Hooks to fetch API’s.
Lets begin ,
First copy paste code and see the explaination
create file fetchApi.js
async function EndPoint(props , setState){const HOST ="http://localhost:5000/"+props.surl;const HEADERS = new Headers({
})const requestOptions = {
method : props.method,
}if( requestOptions["method"] != "GET"){
requestOptions["body"] = props.body
}const response_form = await fetch(HOST , requestOptions).then(respose=res.json()).
then(response => {setState(response)
}).catch(error => console.log("sorry error" , error ))}
export default EndPoint;
— — —
create filePingPage.js
import React , {useState, useEffect, Fragment} from "react"
import EndPoint from "fetchApi"function Ping(props){const [data , setData] = useState({surl:"ping" , method:"GET" ,isLoading:true , datas:{} ,message:"" , body:{} });const [response , setResponse] = useState();useEffect(()=>{EndPoint(data , setResponse)
console.log("response" , response)
return response},[])return(
<h1>View Console </h1>{console.log( "response" , response)}{response != undefined ? <h1>{response.message}</h1> : ""}
)}export default Ping
Lets go in mixed way PingPage.js
with fetchApi.js
Explanation for PingPage.js
import React , {useState, useEffect, Fragment} from "react"
Basic Import needed to create a hook function React.
import EndPoint from "fetchApi"
The File we have created before this.
function Ping(props){ // function declaration//let's create a Hook-state
const [data , setData] = useState({surl:"ping" , method:"GET" ,isLoading:true , datas:{} ,message:"" , body:{} });//surl -> Specific URL to call// method -> method of that url// isLoading -> to display some loading widgets like spiner or bar etc.//datas , message , bosy -> Don't know why i added that , if you don't want delete it.
Creating another state to to store response
const [response , setResponse] = useState();
Calling the Fetch file in useEffect()
useEffect(()=>{ // Calling useEffectEndPoint(data , setResponse) //Calling the API file to get response with props => data and setState function => setResponse
Explanation for fetchApi.js
async function EndPoint(props , setState){ //function declaration
// called from PingPage.js EndPoint(data , setResponse)
const HOST ="http://localhost:5000/"+props.surl;
// "Host of my server" + "ping"
const HEADERS = new Headers({
//Your backend error server accepts some headers , CORS etc..
const requestOptions = {
method : props.method,
//The basic requirement to call API
//Note that GET method won't accept BODY.
if( requestOptions["method"] != "GET"){
requestOptions["body"] = props.body
Calling the API
const response_form = await fetch(HOST , requestOptions).then(respose=res.json()).//Calling tha APIthen(response => {setState(response)
//storing the response to the passed setState function in our case it's `setResponse`}).catch(error => console.log("sorry error" , error ))
// catching the Error.
}export default EndPoint
Back to PingPage.js
// we called the Endpoint above this.
console.log("response" , response) //printing response
<h1>View Console </h1>
{response != undefined ? <h1>{response.message}</h1> : ""}//in my response there's a key called message it will show there.
)}export default Ping
Thank You:-
Links for some random Javascript stuffs.
If you want use Electron a simple way to connect Electron with python.
If you want to learn React Hooks , I think this Playlist will be useful.
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