[P7-DS] My Data Science Path 2019 OCT — 6th week
Subject:Pre Processing data for Machine Learning and depth of ML knowledge .
Hello every one welcome back , to the part 6 of my path for data scientist if you haven’t followed my past week blog please read it , so that you can understand how i’m learning and where i’m learning.
1 . About This Past Week
This past week i learned machine learning , boom yeah i said that i won’t move to machine learning until i completely learn the Data Pre processing but trust me there are few things we need to do after EDA , did you got my point yes that’s One Hot Encoder and Label Encoder basically it calls Feature Encoding.And i started learning the
i) machine learning by sentdex - youtube ,
ii) machine learning by Georgia Tech — udacity
iii) Data Lit (theschool.ai) and
iv) many youtube videos
To be frank i already know how most of the algorithms are work , regression , k-means , svm , k-nn , decision tree , Neural Network not the math part , i just know how the things works so i taught i need to learn math so , machine learning by sentdex , is good place to start he teaches math , concept, create from scratch, but he not covering all the algorithms he just covering
linear — regression ,
K-NN ,
K-Means ,
Mean -Shift and
Neural Networks.
2 . How deep a Data Scientist wants to know machine learning:
This is the Question from all learning data scientist right , So when decide to learn ML don’t measure , learn until you get bored .We’re not a ML Engineer right , we just need to know the Model Optimization , Hyper parameter optimization (did i pronounced correct ?) , Yeah because of math , if you’re a math lover (i’m not a math lover) you can learn and create your own from the Scratch with the help of numpy and pandas , but we use SKlearn to create a model and we optimize it , so you need to understand the concept of working principle (with / without [math] try to learn with math) .
3 . Feature Encoding / Selection :
Before moving to Machine Learning make sure that you understand Feature Encoding and Feature Selection , this is very important for the Model Accuracy .
4. About coming week :
I don’t know what i’m going to do , i have two mindset
1 . Learn Machine Learning first ,
2 . Learn Machine Learning first.
5 . Resources of the Week:
Data Lit (theschool.ai) by famous youtuber Siraj Ravel
Past Post: