[P6-DS] My Data Science Path 2019 OCT- 5th week
Subject: Understand about Exploratory Data Analysis:
Hello everyone welcome back to my Blog , hah last is fully messed up i didn’t get a lot of time to prepare for the Data Science , Because of My Exams in the weekdays and in weekend today and tomorrow i have Interview for the Backend Developer in my Campus Drive. But i did EDA every day for 2–4 hrs daily.
1) So what really the Exploratory Data Analysis Means:
We scan simply say that the EDA is just questioning the data and see how the data is distributed but it’s beyond science…
Yes One can normally ask questions about data but abnormally its about Understanding the features of data , understanding the data sets pattern and Asking the wanted / unwanted question about each and every Features in the dataset.
i)Single variable
ii)Double Variable
iii) Multi variable
2) How to Improve those skills?
1) Just download the dataset from kaggle
2) Explore yourself and ask question how much you can
3) Once you have no more questions just explore the kernel from the kaggle where you downloaded the dataset
4) Understand how they Explored the dataset
3) Data Structures for Data Science?
Pandas is the best Data Structure I have used we can say it’s a library but it contains a lot of Data Structures , [Search ,Sort , query] etc ..
So if you’re from Computer Basis You already Know the Data Structures right , but if you’re not or need to brush up things this udacity Course will help you.
4) So what’s Next?
I think i will have lot of Free time next week , so i have planned For EDA
I need to Explore More Dataset EDA and understand because it’s Interesting / Fun we can play with data how we want.
I not planned for stepping into Machine Learning as of now , I want to be Good in EDA and after that i’ll plan for machine learning and moves to Deep Learning.