[P2-DS] My Path to data Science 2019 Sept
Subject :In this post ill show you where i’m learning the EDA , Feature Engineering , Pandas
1. Recap from my last post :
Hey every one in my last post i have explained the way i learned Statistics i haven’t complete it fully , I just learnt
- mean
- mode
- R square , Z score
- outliers
- Simple regression
- Probability
that’s it i think so.. :-) ,
2.0 What I already know :
i have used python from my 2nd year * now i’m in final year.
i ‘ m good with
* Python
* simple statistics
* Basic Data visualization
2.1 What and Where i’m Learning :
Now in this blog i am going to explain how i am learning the
- pandas
- Data Analysis
- Feature Engineering
- Exploratory Data Analysis
I already know some basic pandas because in 2018 i started learning some/few data analysis technique but i’m not serious in it so i didn’t everything but few (hehe) so i planning of relearn ,on 2018 i learnt it in sentdex and code basics (Youtube channels) but this time i have other ideas let me learn from kaggle learn so i did that i haven’t feel anything (spiders bite me) and recently i started following krish naik (Youtube channel) he’s having a good playlist in (data science area) that i started learning Feature Engineering i learned only two-three videos (Yesterday only) 4th video is Visualizing the decision tree i’m not interested in it(it needs some machine learning brains)so i again moved to code basics just learning the pandas and how it works(this is time it’s my passion and profession) so iam serious on learning those things.
3. What’s Next :
- For me i think it’s not hard to learn this code basics Pandas tutorial because i already learnt that now i’m learning 2nd time, so after learning this i will move to some practical approach using some real word data in simple words Practice.
- That’s it next i will move to some data visualization Parts.
4. Next Post :
i’ll explain how the pandas works why we’re using or ill explain about the path i learned pandas.