Let’s start with competitive programming :) (Learning path)
H! , this post is for those who needs begin with competitive programming ,
CP = “competitive programming”
when i started programming in C++ , Python , Js i did some projects with it like Chatbots , Voice Control Desktop , Voice Control website , AI shopping assistant etc .. , but i didn’t hear anything like CP ,so i just started searching in youtube and web , finally i found that’s a type of programming competition like hackerrank etc , so when i solve 2–3 problems it nearly took 3–4 hrs but it won’t pass all the test cases , it fails at many test cases , so i deiced to learn the magic behind it so i read lots of blogs watched lots of videos , finally found the magic word “Algorithms”. , there are many type of algorithms like Greedy , DC , DP etc.
Practice Lot , Practice , Practice , Practice
So where to start :
In my opinion
GeeksforGeeks Placement course
Hackerrank Data Struct and alogo course
Language for CP
my opinion : C++ , Java ,[ python , JS](not for all problem)
C++ , Java have some good built in algorithms
python is good but it takes more time than c++ and it don’t have built-in Algorithms like binary search(CP programmers uses more) , etc;